Saturday, July 30, 2011

Petition and flyer

Please download and distribute our PETITION and FLYER (click on the links, then Control-P to download and print). We want to have the maximum possible impact at the August 10, 2001 City Council meeting, where the Council is scheduled to vote on the issue of designating a Redevelopment Area.

Ask to speak to the City Council by adding your name to the speaker list for the City Council meeting on August 10, 2011 at 6 p.m.

And, ask your email, Facebook, and other online contacts to please sign our online petition at Please note that the petition software requires a valid email address, but your personal information is NOT displayed on the web.

Call City Hall: (201) 547-5151 or (201) 547-4842

Also, you may be interested in this zoning map which shows just how much of Jersey City is already designated for "redevelopment" (areas in blue).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


No Eminent Domain (NED) is a grassroots movement to stop eminent domain abuse. Our first goal is to prevent eminent domain taking of private property in Jersey City's McGinley Square area. Our second goal is to get Jersey City to renounce eminent domain to transfer property from responsible homeowners and businessowners to private developers.

You can join our email list by visiting

Connect to the issue on Facebook at "We Do Not Approve of The Use of Eminent Domain In McGinley Square".

Please attend the City's last public meeting on the project prior to presenting its redevelopment plan to the Planning Board and City Council: Wednesday, July 28, 6:30pm in the City Council Chamber.